Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pemeriksaan Arcus

Apa tipe arkus kaki Anda?  
Cobalah tes sederhana ini!

1) Tuangkan sedikit air ke dalam panci dangkal dan Basahi telapak kaki Anda. 

2) tempelkan telapak kaki ke selembar kertas tebal. 

Sekarang lihat apa jenis arkus Anda punya pada gambar berikutnya.

3) Hasil

Normal Arch
If you see about half of your arch, you have the most common foot type and are considered a normal pronator. As a normal pronator, you can wear just about any shoe, but may be best suited to a stability shoe that provides moderate arch support (or medial stability).
Lightweight runners with normal arches may prefer neutral-cushioned shoes without any added support, or even a performance-training shoe that offers some support but less heft, for a faster feel.

Flat Arch

If you see almost your entire footprint, you have a flat foot, which means you're probably an overpronator. That is, your arch collapses inward too much, resulting in excessive foot motion and increasing your risk of injuries.

You need either stability shoes, which employ devices such as dual-density midsoles.

High Arch
If you see just your heel, the ball of your foot, and a thin line on the outside of your foot, you have a high arch, the least common foot type.

This means you're likely an underpronator. Underpronators are best suited to neutral-cushioned shoes because they need a softer midsole to encourage pronation.

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